Overcrowded or upper-class neighborhoods? What does high density actually look like in France?
Where are the French sinners?
Let’s spot the areas of France with the most devilish inclinations.
Endometriosis Science: the full Synthesis
This short synthesis presents the main findings of the EndoSci project, which analyzes one century of scientific literature dedicated to endometriosis.
The faces of endometriosis research (2/3): Institutions
Specific institutions, including universities and hospitals, carry out endometriosis research worldwide. In this article, I present an overview of the different organizations involved in such research, as well as the emerging patterns regarding their contributions.
The faces of endometriosis research (1/3): Nations
In this article, I uncover the geographical aspects of endometriosis research. The scientific output is characterized by its polarization, with a few countries emerging as the true leaders of the global effort (i.e., Italy, Belgium…). Thematic priorities feature some patterns, but can also be relatively fragmented.